opelzoo kronberg fotografie tiere lernen

Photography DUO Course at Opelzoo

249.00 € incl. VAT


  • Comprehensive Coverage: Cover a wide range of photography topics
  • Tailored Learning Experience: Benefit from personalized instructions
  • Flexible Content: Enjoy flexibility in course content

Photography DUO Course at Opelzoo

Explore the world of photography together with your companion and learn about the various modes of your camera. Immerse yourselves in exciting subjects and situations as our photo trainer guides you through the basic functions of your camera and expands your photographic knowledge.

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to manually adjust your camera for the most part and make informed decisions for better shots depending on the subject or situation.

The Photography DUO Course is designed for couples, parent and child pairs, as well as other relatives (siblings, cousins).

Topics covered include:

  • Introduction to the camera, settings, and operation
  • Theoretical fundamentals of photography
  • ISO, shutter speed, aperture
  • Exposure compensation
  • Focus fields and modes
  • Composition and creative ideas
  • Use of tripods
  • and much more

Since the course adapts individually to the participants' level of knowledge, the content is flexible. You can decide which topics interest you and which subjects you want to focus on.

opelzoo kronberg fotografie tiere lernen
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